Survey link:

Dear All,

GREENUS (GREEN waste management new edUcation System for recycling and environmental protection in asia) is an Erasmus+ project funded by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) with the participation of 3 partners from Europe and 3 Universities from Vietnam, contributing to increase the local competences on Waste Management and recycling processes.
As part of the project, an initial survey was launched in 2021 with the aim of understanding the level of knowledge and awareness of the students and professors of the three universities involved on the importance of proper waste management. More than 1400 responses were received, which for the project constitute a valuable wealth of information useful for developing knowledge and activities appropriate to the specific skills emerging. We are now launching the same survey to understand whether, almost two years later and after having implemented several educational and informative activities and events on campus, the level of awareness and information has increased and thus we can declare that GREENUS has had a positive impact on local communities.
Please take a few minutes to answer these questions and support our research aimed at improving the quality of life and reducing the impact of waste in our cities:
The questionnaire is confidential, and it exclusively concerns project researchers and participants.
Many thanks for your collaboration,
Read this next
GREENUS Final Conference
GREENUS Final Conference
Read about the conferences organized at the three Vietnamese Universities involved in the GREENUS project!
Learn more about waste management!
Learn more about waste management!
Two short online courses have been elaborated by GREENUS consortium in order to improve awareness on the importance of correct waste management and the consequences of no-recycling policies.
Students Internship at Hellenic Mediterranean University
Students' Internship at Hellenic Mediterranean University
Within the Erasmus+ project GREENUS the best n. 15 students (5 from each Vietnamese university), selected according with international parameters, will spend three weeks in Europe to attend an Intensive Courses on Waste Management, one week at each EU University.
Students Internship at Sapienza University of Rome
Students' Internship at Sapienza University of Rome
Within the Erasmus+ project GREENUS the best n. 15 students (5 from each Vietnamese university), selected according with international parameters, will spend three weeks in Europe to attend an Intensive Courses on Waste Management, one week at each EU University.